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Leadville -

Ästhetische Feldforschung:

"1695 - Leadville", 2015, Edit 3/3, 100x100cm, Inkjet auf Leinen auf Keilrahmen.
Die horizontale Kompression von 10 Einzelbildern und deren vertikale Schichtung ergeben ein Werk, das Formen und Farben zu einem neuen Bild verschmilzt und darin den "spirit" des Ortes erfasst.

Welcome Miners, Muckers, and Powder Monkeys to the 2015 Boom Days mining events!  All events take place behind the Elks Lodge on West 4th Street and take place on Saturday and Sunday.  Spectators are welcomed to watch from the bleachers.
Mining competitions include jack leg drilling, team jack leg drilling, hand mucking, and single hand steel drilling, and double hand steel drilling.  Cash prizes are awarded to winners!

What are these events?
In the jack leg events, drillers use a mechanical drill to drill two separate holes, staying inside a two inch square, and the fastest time wins!  The jack leg drill weighs 135 lbs. and must be carried to the rock and back when done.

The hand drilling competitions, either one or two miners use a drilling steel and sledge hammer to drill a hole in a set amount of time. These drilling steels are generally hand made by the miners. The deepest hole wins. In single drilling one miner holds the drilling steel in one hand, and pound with a sledge in the other had. In double drilling one miner holds the drilling steel and the other swings the sledge hammer.  Legend says if the sledge operator hits the man holding the drill, the holder is allowed one free swing at the other miner.

Ouch! In hand mucking events, the men competitors shovel one ton of 3/4’” crushed rock, called muck, into an ore cart and then push the cart along the track to the finish. The fastest time wins. The women’s division shovels ½ ton of the same crushed rock and the fastest time to shovel wins!

Mining competitions are part of Leadville history with competitions dating back to 1885. Come watch or compete the fun!

The last event is spike driving. In this timed event each competitor drives three 60 penny spikes in a down position and two 80 penny spikes in an up position. This is accomplished using a 5.5 lb timber axe.


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